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The empirical probability can only be determined by carrying out the experiment a very large number of times. Otherwise it would be the theoretical probability.

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Q: What is the empirical probability of tossing a coin 5 times and obtaining at least 3 consecutive heads?
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What is the probability of tossing a coin 6 times and obtaining at least 3 consecutive heads?

The probability is 5/16.

Suppose that you toss a coin and roll and die What is the probability of obtaining tails?

The probability to tossing a coin and obtaining tails is 0.5. Rolling a die has nothing to do with this outcome - it is unrelated.

What is the probability of obtaining two sixes in the random tossing of a pair of die?

.027777778 or 1 in 36.

Is tossing a coin 10 time empirocal or theoretical proability?

Tossing a coin ten times is a [repeated] experiment or trial. It is neither empirical nor theoretical probability.

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What is the probability that you toss a head or a tail?

Assuming a two-sided coin, and that you make the the toss, the probability of tossing a head or a tail is 100%. The probability of tossing a head is 50%. The probability of tossing a tail is 50%.

You toss a fair coin 5 times and get 5 consecutive heads. What is the probability of tossing a head on the next toss?

If it is a fair coin, the probability is exactly 50%. The coin has no memory of what it did in the last flip. ■

What is the probability of tossing a coin and getting a head?

The probability of tossing a coin and getting heads is 0.5

Can someone give me one interesting fact about probability?

If you have tossed a fair, balanced coin 100 times and it has landed on HEADS 100 consecutive times, the probability of tossing HEADS on the next toss is 50%.

What is the probability of tossing two coins that are different?

The probability of tossing two coins that are different is 1 in 2, or 0.5.The probability of tossing something on the first coin is 1. The probability of not matching that on the second coin is 0.5. Multiply 1 and 0.5 together, and you get 0.5.

What's the probability of tossing a 6-sided die three times and getting an even number all three times?

Each time you toss the die the probability of rolling an even number is 3 out of 6 or 1/2. So, the probability of tossing three consecutive even numbers is (1/2)3 = 1/8 = 0.125, which is one chance in eight.

What is the probability of getting four consecutive twos from tossing a fair number cube?

The probability of the first one is 1/6 .The probability of the second one is 1/6 .The probability of the third one is 1/6 .The probability of the fourth one is 1/6 .The probability of all four is (1/6)4 = 0.0007716 (rounded) = 0.077 %