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Q: What is the equality of opportunity vs equality of outcome?
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Which standard of equality is most concerned with the distribution of resources?

The equality of outcome is the standard of equality that is most concerned with the distribution of resources. Equality of outcome is used regularly in politics.

2 ways does democracy require the equality of all persons?

equality of opportunity and equality before the law

What is equality and equal?

equality is the adjective and equal is noun.

Why is it important to treat people correctly in terms of equality opportunity?

because if you dont they might hate you because it is wrong to do that whoop whoop

A boat goes upstream 30 miles and downstream 44 miles in 10 hours It also goes upstream 40 miles and downstream 55 miles in 13 hours Find the rates of the stream and of the boat?

The speed of the stream is 3mph and that of the boat is 8mph.If vs is the speed of the stream, in mph and vb is the speed of the boat in mph, then:upstream speed = vb - vs mphdownstream speed = vb + vs mphThus:30/(vb-vs) + 44/(vb+vs) = 1040/(vb-vs) + 55/(vb+vs) = 13Multiplying both equations by (vb2-vs2) gives:30(vb+vs) + 44(vb-vs) = 10(vb2-vs2)40(vb+vs) + 55(vb-vs) = 13(vb2-vs2)which rearrange to:vb2-vs2 = (74vb - 14vs) / 10vb2-vs2 = (95vb - 15vs) / 13so, using the equality:(74vb - 14vs) / 10 = (95vb - 15vs) / 1312vb = 32vsvb = 8/3 vsthus using the first equation and the equality just worked out:10((8/3 vs)2 - vs2) = 74(8/3 vs) - 14vsvs10(64 / 9 - 1) = 74 x 8 / 3 - 14vs10(55)/9 = (592 - 42)/3vs550/9 = 550/3vs = 3 mphvb = 8/3 x 3 mph = 8 mph

Related questions

How many pages does Against Equality of Opportunity have?

Against Equality of Opportunity has 232 pages.

Who is the Minister of Equality of Opportunity for Luxembourg?

Lydia Mutsch is the Minister of Equality of Opportunity for Luxembourg.

Which standard of equality is most concerned with the distribution of resources?

The equality of outcome is the standard of equality that is most concerned with the distribution of resources. Equality of outcome is used regularly in politics.

What are the concepts of equality?

Equality of opportunity and equality of responsibility/civil duty

What are the two conceptions of equality?

Equality of opportunity and equality of responsibility/civil duty

What is the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcomes?

my getting here hoping to find an answer to the question is an example of the equality of opportunity and my being asked to answer the question myself is an example of the equality of outcomes

What are the 5 American ideals?

Oppurtunity, Rights, Liberty, Democracy and Equality

2 ways does democracy require the equality of all persons?

equality of opportunity and equality before the law

Why equality important in democracy?

Equal Opportunity

1. 5 pts. Explain the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome, and the trade-offs between equality and liberty?

Opportunity is a set of circumstances that allows you to do something. Outcome is what happens after a set of circumstance. Equality it simply means equal, but one could be talking about rights or opportunity. Liberty on the other hand means free or freedom. One being equal to and one having liberty are two powerful things. One means that you want to be held to the same standard as everything and everyone else and the other means you want to be free from. I believe that equality and liberty both are powerful for all people. Although it does depend on a lot of different factors which one would be more rewarding. Age, sex, race, and location all play into who one would feel about these two matters.

Can a democracy exist without both opportunity and equality before the law?

True democracy must include both equality and opportunity. However, a form of it will work while those things are not complete.

What is the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of condition?

Equality of opportunity argues it is normatively correct for people to simply have equal access to production while equality of condition argues people must also have an equal distribution of wealth (which implies equal conditions).