It depends on what the equation is for: area, perimeter, diagonal or something else. You cannot assume that someone else knows what equation you mean.
More information is required to answer the question. ... 4 foot wide by 4 WHAT long? Feet, yard, miles?
The volume is: 75.4 cubic feet.
60 cubic feet
A 33-foot wide strip that is 5,280 feet long is an area of four (4) acres.
More information is required to answer the question. ... 4 foot wide by 4 WHAT long? Feet, yard, miles?
30 x 4 = 120 Square feet
9x4= 36 feet squared
the answer to this question is simple (10*4*4) which is equal to 1603
The volume is: 75.4 cubic feet.
you have to add something to the equation: how wide is the object that you are measuring lineal feet of? if it is 12" wide, you need 650 lineal feet to come up with 650 square feet, if it is 4" wide, you need 2950 lineal feet of it, etc. . . hope this helps!
If the perimeter is 34 feet, and two of the sides are 4 ft. each (a total of 8 feet), then the other two sides are a total of 26 feet (34-8), or 13 feet each. So the rectangle is 13 feet long and 4 feet wide.
easy, 24 ft.