

What is the equation for delta?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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12y ago

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a delta's a triangle, so the area of a triangle is bh/2

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Q: What is the equation for delta?
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What is the equation of (3-1)?

The voltage of a winding that is connected in star is 1 over the square root of three, 1 / 1.732, or 0.5774, of the voltage if that winding were connected in delta. This results in a star power of 1/3, or 0.3333, of the delta power.Similarly, if you know the winding current in delta, you can calculate the star current by multiplying by 1.732.This all presumes that the neutral point of the star is symmetrically centered in the middle of the phase triangle.

What is delta x?

Delta represents a change. Therefore, "delta x" means "change in x."

How does 6a to the power of 2 plus 7a minus 3 factor out?

Is this what you were after::::::First we calculate the discriminant, delta, using the formula:delta = b2 - 4*a*cIn our case, delta = 72 - 4*6*(-3) = 121Delta is greater than 0 which means that we have two distinct real solutions x1 & x2.x1 is calculated using the formula:x1 = (-b + sqrt(delta))/2aSimilarly , where 'sqrt(delta)' is the square root of delta.x2 = (-b - sqrt(delta))/2aIn our case sqrt(delta) = sqrt(121) = 11So, for our equation, 6*x2 + 7*x + (-3) = 0, the solutions are:x1 = (-7 + 11)/(2*6) = 0.333333333333x2 = (-7 - 11)/(2*6) = -1.5EquationDeltaX1X26*x2 + 7*x + (-3) = 01210.333333333333-1.5

What equation can you use to find acceleration?

Acceleration equals the change in the velocity divided by time. The change in the velocity is found by subtracting the initial velocity from the final velocity. It is written as "a equals delta v over t."

Why is the symbol for the Capital Delta a triangle?

The Greek letter Delta is written as a triangle.

Related questions

What is delta h in the equation delta g delta h - t delta?

The change in enthalpy between products and reactants in a reaction

What is delta S in the equation delta G delta H-T delta S?

Delta S represents the change in entropy of a system. In the equation delta G = delta H - T delta S, it is used to determine the contribution of entropy to the overall change in Gibbs free energy. A negative delta S value suggests a decrease in the disorder of a system.

What is delta S in the equation delta G delta H - T delta S?

The change in enthalpy between products and reactants in a reaction

What equation is used to calculate the free change of a reaction?

Delta G (written triangle G) = Delta H -T Delta S

What equation is used to calculate the free energy change a reaction?

Delta G (written triangle G) = Delta H -T Delta S

What is delta h in the equation delta g delta h - t delta s?

Delta H represents the change in enthalpy of a system. In the equation ΔG = ΔH - TΔS, it is the enthalpy change of the system. It indicates the heat absorbed or released during a reaction at constant pressure.

How is delta hf related to the delta h of the reaction?

The standard enthalpy change of a reaction (delta H) is related to the standard enthalpy of formation (delta Hf) of the products and reactants involved in the reaction by the equation: delta H = Σ(Products delta Hf) - Σ(Reactants delta Hf). This equation relates the enthalpy change of a reaction to the enthalpies of formation of the substances involved in the reaction.

What does delta mean in the equation for thermal energy?

Delta in the equation for thermal energy typically represents a change or difference, such as a change in temperature or heat energy. It signifies the final state of the system minus the initial state to calculate the thermal energy change.

What symbol is used in equations that means change in?

The symbol used to represent change in an equation is Δ (delta). It indicates the difference or change between two values.

What does delta y mean in a physics equation?

In a physics equation, delta y usually represents the change in the vertical position or height of an object. It is calculated by subtracting the initial position from the final position in the y-direction. Delta y provides information about how much the object has moved vertically.

What equation is used to calculate the free energy change of a reaction?

The equation used to calculate the free energy change of a reaction is ΔG = ΔH - TΔS, where ΔG is the change in free energy, ΔH is the change in enthalpy, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and ΔS is the change in entropy.

What does a triangle mean in a equation?

The triangle is the Greek letter Delta. It means the difference between two quantities.