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Q: What is the equation for probability?
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Is normal distribution also a probability distribution?

Yes. When we refer to the normal distribution, we are referring to a probability distribution. When we specify the equation of a continuous distribution, such as the normal distribution, we refer to the equation as a probability density function.

What is the equation used to determine probability in what ways can probability be expressed?

Probability = number of times an event is expected to happen / number of opportunities for an event to happen It can be expressed as a percentage or a fraction.

Why normal distribution is called normal distribution?

Most random variables are found to follow the probability distribution function All this means is that most things which can be measured quantitatively, like a population's height, the accuracy of a machine, effectiveness of a drug on fighting bacteria, etc. will occur with a probability that can be calculated according to this equation. Since most things follow this equation, this equation is considered to be the "normal" probability density. "Normal" events follow a "normal" probability distribution.

How do you get the decimal equation for probability?

To obtain the decimal equation for probability, divide the number of favorable outcomes by the number of total possible outcomes. For example, if there are 5 favorable outcomes out of 20 total possible outcomes, the decimal equation for probability would be 5/20 = 0.25.

Why did schrodinger use probability?

Erwin Schrödinger was a physicist and a father of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics deals a lot with probability. His famous Schrödinger equation, which deals with how the quantum state of a physical system changes in time, uses probability in how it deals with the local conservation of probability density. For more information, please see the Related Link below.

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Is normal distribution also a probability distribution?

Yes. When we refer to the normal distribution, we are referring to a probability distribution. When we specify the equation of a continuous distribution, such as the normal distribution, we refer to the equation as a probability density function.

A probability distribution is an equation that?

Associates a particulare probability of occurrence with each outcome in the sample space.

Who determined probability location of electrons in atoms?

The probability of finding electrons in an atom is determined by the Schrödinger equation, a fundamental equation of quantum mechanics. This equation describes the wave function of the electron, from which the probability density of finding the electron in a particular region of space can be calculated.

Using the time independent schrodinger equation find the relation for the coservation of probability?

The conservation of probability in quantum mechanics is a consequence of the time-independent Schrödinger equation. For a normalized wavefunction Ψ(x), the conservation of probability is guaranteed by the fact that the total probability density, |Ψ(x)|^2, remains constant over time according to the continuity equation ∇·j = -∂ρ/∂t, where j is the probability current density and ρ is the probability density.

What is the equation for electron clouds layers?

Electron clouds in an atom are described by the electron probability distribution function, which is not a single equation but rather a three-dimensional probability density function. It is determined by solving the Schrödinger equation for the electron in the atom. This function gives the probability of finding an electron at a particular location in space around the nucleus.

What is the equation used to determine probability in what ways can the probability be expressed?

Probability = number of times an event is expected to happen / number of opportunities for an event to happen It can be expressed as a percentage or a fraction.

What is the equation used to determine probability in what ways can probability be expressed?

Probability = number of times an event is expected to happen / number of opportunities for an event to happen It can be expressed as a percentage or a fraction.

What is the equation of probability?

The probability of an event occurring can be found by dividing the number of favorable outcomes (what you want to happen) by the number of possible outcomes number of favorable outcomes probability = _________________________ number of possible outcomes

Why normal distribution is called normal distribution?

Most random variables are found to follow the probability distribution function All this means is that most things which can be measured quantitatively, like a population's height, the accuracy of a machine, effectiveness of a drug on fighting bacteria, etc. will occur with a probability that can be calculated according to this equation. Since most things follow this equation, this equation is considered to be the "normal" probability density. "Normal" events follow a "normal" probability distribution.

What is Edwin Schrödinger's wave equation used to calculate?

The probability distribution for an electron orbital.

Why can 0 be an outcome of prabability?

As probability is a statistical (mathematical) equation, anything multiplied by 0 is0.