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Newton's Third Law Equation is the vector Law of Equilibrium: 0= dmcv/dR + delxmcv -Del mu/R = m(dv/dt + cv/R sin(v) + ur/R^3) 0= m(dv/dt + fvsin(v) t + fvcos(v) r)= mf(v + sin(v)t + vcos(v) r) where r is the unit radial vector and t is the unit transverse to radial vector and v is the unit vector of the velocity. Newton never conceived of al the terms of this equation. He created a two term equation leaving out the middle term. The Third Law says that conservation of energy gives equilibrium, which means the sum of the forces is zero. Not that the forces are zero but the sum of the forces is zero. Newton's and Einstein's Theory of Gravity needs updating to include the "kinetic energy, mcv to give energy E= -mGM/R + mcv. This update will show that the Universe is in Equilibrium.

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Q: What is the equation to represent the newtons third law of motion?
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Yes, jumping on a trampoline is an example of Newton's third law of motion. The force exerted by your feet on the trampoline causes the trampoline to push back with an equal force, propelling you into the air. This action-reaction pair of forces is a classic illustration of Newton's third law - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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Isaac Newton, he discovered: -Newton's First Law of motion. -Newton's Second Law of motion. -Newton's Third Law of motion.