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Area of a semicircle = (pi*radius^2)/2

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Q: What is the equation to solve the area of a semicircle?
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What is the area of a semicircle when the radius is 21?

The equation for area of a circle is A=pi x R x R. A semicircle is half a circle, so we calculate the area of a circle and divide by 2. The area of the circle would be approximately 1384.74. Thus the area of the semicircle would be 692.37.

What is the graphic equation of a semicircle?


What is the equation for a semicircle?

x2+y2=r2, y>=0

What is the area of the semicircle if the length of the arc of a semicircle is 10 and pi feet?

It is 27.49 units.

What is area of semicircle?

The area of a semicircle is half of the area of a circle. The area of a circle is pi x radius x radius. So the area of a semicircle is 1/2 x pi x radius x radius or (pi x radius x radius) / 2.

What is the formula to find a semicircle?

I think that you are asking for the equation of a semi-circle. If you have a circle with radius r and centered at (0,0), its equation is x^2 + y^2 = r^2 The upper semicircle has the equation: y = sqrt(r^2 - x^2) with -r ≤ x ≤ r <------------------ Answer By using the square root I only get points where the y coordinate is positive and thus all points are restricted to the upper semicircle. The area is ((π * r^2) / 2) The perimeter is (π * r)

What is the formula to find the area of a semicircle?

Pi*radius squared is how to find the area of a semicircle

What is the area outside the triangle if the triangle is inscribed in a semicircle while the side length of triangle is 2underroot2?

Diameter of semicircle = 1 Area of semicircle = Pi/8 Area of triangle = 0.25 Area outside triangle = (Pi/8) - 0.25 = 0.1427 (rounded to 4th decimal).

How do you find the area of a semi-circle if you know the diameter?

A semicircle is 1/2 of a circle. Find the area with the diameter you are given as if you had a whole circle, then divide that answer by 2 to get the area of the semicircle.

What is the width of a rectangle with area of 72 and length of 12?

You use the equation Area = width x length. And solve for the width. You solve it by dividing both sides by the length to get.. Area/length = width

Can you solve for a variable in an equation?

Sure. You can always 'solve for' a variable, and if it happens to be the only variable in the equation, than that's how you solve the equation.

Calculate the area of semicircle with radius 4 meters?

An area of a circle is pi*r2 - so an area of a semicircle is 0.5*pi*r2: 0.5*3.14*42 = 25.13 square meters