To find a fraction equivalent to 95/100, we need to simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor. In this case, the greatest common divisor of 95 and 100 is 5. Dividing both numbers by 5 gives us 19/20. Therefore, the fraction equivalent to 95/100 is 19/20.
19% = 19/100
Expressed as a percentage, 19/100 is equal to 19 percent.
Simply multiply decimals by 100 to get the equivalent percentage: 19 x 100 = 1,900 %
19/100 = 0.19
To find a fraction equivalent to 95/100, we need to simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor. In this case, the greatest common divisor of 95 and 100 is 5. Dividing both numbers by 5 gives us 19/20. Therefore, the fraction equivalent to 95/100 is 19/20.
19% = 19/100
Expressed as a percentage, 19/100 is equal to 19 percent.
Simply multiply decimals by 100 to get the equivalent percentage: 19 x 100 = 1,900 %
19% is 19 hundredths so that changes to 19 over 100 because you cannot simplify it. think of a percentage as a mark out of 100. 19 out of 100 goes to 19 over 100. (0ver =on top of the line and 100 would be under the line)
19/100 is the simplest form.
19/100 = 0.19
19/100 is in its simplest form.
The answer is 19/100. 19 is the numerator and 100 is the denominator. You would write the numerator over the denominator, separating them with a horizontal line in the middle.
19/100 19 over 100.
Yes 19/100 is in its simplest form
I think you need to look again at the meaning of "per cent". 19/100 is 19%