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That would depend entirely on density, volume and pressure of the system, as well as the chemical make up of the air.

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Q: What is the equivalent energy in 32 degree Celsius and 65 percent relative humidity at 40degree Celsius and humidity?
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What is the relative humidity of 32 degrees celsius?

It is not possible to know the relative humidity of a place with 32 degree celsius. It varies with location. For example, in tropical areas like Singapore, 32 degree celsius could still mean a relative humidity of 90% but in desert areas, 32 degree celsius would still have a low relative humidity. So temperature and humidity are not totally related.

What is the relative humidity on a psychrometer if the dry-bulb reading is 8 degrees Celsius and the wet-bulb reading is 7 degrees Celsius?

To determine the relative humidity, we need a psychrometric chart that relates wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures. Without that information, we cannot provide the exact relative humidity at those temperatures.

What unit of measurement is weather measured in?

Fahrenheit or Celsius or Kelvin. Ex: 65ºF, 32ºC, 100ºK

Why does air at 75 relative humidity and 30 degrees celsius make your skin feel stickier than air at 75 relative humidity at 10 degrees celsius?

Air at a higher temperature can hold more moisture, so the warmer air at 30 degrees Celsius will evaporate less sweat from your skin compared to the cooler air at 10 degrees Celsius. This reduced evaporative cooling can make you feel stickier in the warmer air even though the relative humidity is the same.

Which of the following situations would be the least comfortable for a long distance runner?

20 celsius 68f with relative humidity of 90

What is the solubility of ammonia in water at 40degree Celsius?

The solubility of ammonia in water at 40°C is approximately 1170 g/L.

Describe the likely temperature and relative humidity that occur during the night?

During the night, temperatures usually drop as the sun sets, leading to cooler conditions. Relative humidity tends to increase as temperatures drop, potentially leading to the formation of dew or fog. However, both temperature and humidity levels can vary based on location and weather conditions.

What is the unit for a sling psychrometer?

The unit for a sling psychrometer is degrees Celsius (°C) for measuring air temperature and percentage (%) for measuring relative humidity.

What unit of measurement measures humidity?

Water vapor in the air is absolute humidity. The ratio of the absolute humidity to the maximum absolute humidity for that temperature and pressure is called the "relative humidity." Absolute humidity is very frequently expressed in terms of grains per pound of air, ppm, or vapour pressure. Relative humidity is usually expressed as a percent.Relative humidity, expressed as a percentage from 0% to 100%, is the amount of moisture in air divided by the total possible amount of moisture in air. Unfortunately, the total possible amount changes when the temperature changes, so the relative humidity can change without adding or removing any water.Another measure is dew point, which is the temperature at which water would condense. It doesn't change with temperature.The lowest measured relative humidity in Phoenix, AZ, USA, is 2%--pretty dry. Sometimes the dew point is below 0 degrees, also pretty dry. (Celsius or Fahrenheit? Both!)

What is saturation humidity?

When air is saturated at 30 degrees celsius

What is the Celsius equivalent of 212 and deg?

It is equivalent to 100 degrees Celsius

What is the Celsius equivalent of 212 deg F?

It is equivalent to 100 degrees Celsius