Estimates say anywhere from 1 to 1.5 billion, although most are around the 1.2 billion mark.
Per capita.
The [human] population density.
population density.
The number of people living in an area or country or state or city.
France total number of people living there is approximatly 63,713,926.
During winter, there may be as few as 1,000 temporary workers who remain isolated on the continent.
The 2008 estimated population was 2,938,618.
According to UN data, in 2010 there were an estimated 393,221,391 people living in South America.
principle of explosives safety
As of 2021, the estimated population of the United States is around 331 million people. This number is based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau and is subject to change due to factors like births, deaths, and migration.
It is estimated that worldwide, between 0.5 to 1% of the population is transgendered. Knowing that the number of people in the US is between 300 and 400 million we can calculate the between 2 and 4 million people in the US are transgendered (compared to 1.5 million to 3 million in China alone.)
reduce the number of people exposed to hazards
reduce the number of people exposed to hazards
An estimated 1,290,000 in 2010.