You can call Remington at 1-800-243-9700 and go thru the menu selection.
One of the menu options is to request information on your Remington based off of the serial number.
You could check out to see what they are selling for. A recent copy of Gun Values will give you the present book value.
Most people say that they are fake. But yes, I have seen a real modol 6 sioiux 498000
I dont have a solid aswer. but I just paid $800.00 for 1 that is a little older.than that
I am not aware of any Remington .22 rifle with a 672 designation. Unless there is a very late model from Remington with that model number, I believe you are referring to their model 572 rifle. The M/572 was a PUMP repeater that was initially produced in the 1950's, in various grades and is, or was until the last year or two, still being manufactured. Serial numbers were not required on .22 rifles up until December of 1968, when the infamous "Gun Control Act of 1968" was passed. If you do indeed actually have a model 572 PUMP rifle, and you can not find the serial number, you most likely have a unit manufactured prior to 12/68, since all M/572 rifles with serial numbers have them very plainly stamped on the side of the receiver.
Serial 718943w
100-350 USD
See related link.
Contact Remington Customer Service thru their website.
Made by the Remigton Firearms Company.
The W ahead of the serial number indicates that your Remington 870 wingmaster was made in 1972.
It's date stamped see related links for info.
Check this table for the answer:
They are all still made in Illion, New York, I believe.
Check this table for the answer:
Remington Society barrel code lookup: