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Q: What is the exact opposite side of the world in Bayonne NJ 07002 US?
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What is on the exact opposite side of the world as Pittsburgh?

a n-igger

What is the opposite of an ending word?

Living world or maybe newborn world, I think....... There isn't an exact answer though.

What historical event resulted in the creation of the world-famous chocolates in the Basque-speaking city of Bayonne?

The historical event which resulted in the creation of world-famous chocolates in the Basque speaking city of Bayonne was the Spanish Inquisition.

Which city is on the opposite side of the world from new york city?

The exact opposite side of the world from New York City is a spot in the southern Indian Ocean; the closest city to that spot would be Perth, Western Australia.

What is the exact opposite of E equals mC2 What would the -C2 stand for in real world terms?

The exact opposite of E=mc^2 would be E=(-mc)^2. In real world terms, -c^2 would have no physical significance because it is not a valid measurement or quantity. It is a mathematical manipulation of the original equation.

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because Australia is on the other side of the world with the exact opposite seasons as us, so when its winter here its summer there.

What is the name of the meridian exactly halfway around the world from the prime meridian?

The meridian exactly halfway around the world from the prime meridian is called the 180th meridian or the antimeridian. This line represents the opposite side of the Earth from the prime meridian and is where the International Date Line is located.

Who is anti-cosmo from the 'Fairly Oddparents'?

anti Cosmo is the exact opposite of the original Cosmo.Anti Cosmo is evil and lives in anti fairy world and regular Cosmo is good and lives in fairy world.

Would the world be different if it was made of antimatter?

Yes, it would be different. Antimatter is in a way the opposite of matter, but it is not the exact opposite. There are slight differences - and that is somehow the reason why we have significant amounts of matter, and not of antimatter, in the first place - though the exact details are not well-known yet (you can find out more details in the Wikipedia article on "Baryogenesis").

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the opposite world of high is low.

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The opposite of the world is uneducated.

What is the opposite world of lazy?

The opposite of lazy is industrious or diligent.