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Q: What is the examples of nominal scale?
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Write examples of the ty of scales?

The four types of scales are: Nominal Scale. Ordinal Scale. Interval Scale. Ratio Scale.

Advantages and disadvantages of nominal scale?

The advantage of using a nominal scale is that it can help with classification. The disadvantage of using a nominal scale is that it is the most primitive system.

When a scale has a true zero it is a nominal scale?

No. When a scale has a true zero it is called a ratio scale. Examples are age, income, etc. In a nominal scale values are simply labels. For example, gender, colours, etc. We may code these with numbers but the numbers have no inherent meaning and the values chosen do not imply any ordering.

Is Environmental advertising nominal and ordinal scale?

is environmental advertising nominal and ordinal scale

Which is the least informative scale of measurement - nominal ratio ordinal or interval?

Nominal Scale < Ordinal< Interval < Ratio

What is the opposite of a numerical scale?

One possible opposite of a numerical scale is a "nominal" scale. In the study of statistics, we use four "scales of measurement": nominal; ordinal; interval; ratio. The "nominal," scale, which simply names categories, is, in a sense, non-numerical. On "nominal" scales, people or objects with the same attribute are assigned the same scale-value. Examples of categories on nominal scales are ethnicity, gender, marital status, styles of housing, models of cars. For example, a nominal scale of "marital status" might be numbered as follows: 1. Single, never married. 2. Single, previously married. 3. Married. Although we may count the number of people (or items) in each category, the numerals assigned to the "nominal" scale have no 'numeric' meaning in the way that we usually think about numbers. On that view, a nominal scale may be said to be non-numerical and, therefore, the opposite of a numerical scale. Actually, integers form a subset of numbers, not the other way around.

The scale of measurement for the variable eye color is?


Examples of nominal account?

Examples of nominal accounts are losses and expenses of gains or income.

What type of scale is the bar graph scale?

On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.

What is the statistical scale of measurement for a persons gender?

It is a nominal scale.

What is a nominal scale?

A nominal scale is the most basic form of measurement. Notice that the word nominal comes from the same root as the word name. So to use a nominal scale is essentially to name. For instance, I can 'measure' the religion of each person in a sample by assigning a broad religious category from the set {Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Animalist, ...} to each person. This would be the use of a nominal scale. For more, you might visit the wikipedia page about level of measurement.

What scale of measurement is educational level?
