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It is easy to find a rule based on a polynomial of order 4 such that the first four numbers are as listed in the question. There are also non-polynomial solutions. Short of reading the mind of the person who posed the question, there is no way of determining which of the infinitely many solutions is the "correct" one.

One possible answer is t(n) = 3n - 8

another is (n^4 - 10*n^3 + 35*n^2 - 26*n - 40)/8

still another is (n^4 - 10*n^3 + 35*n^2 - 41*n)/3

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Q: What is the explicit formula for the sequence -5 -2 1 4?
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arithmetic sequence * * * * * A recursive formula can produce arithmetic, geometric or other sequences. For example, for n = 1, 2, 3, ...: u0 = 2, un = un-1 + 5 is an arithmetic sequence. u0 = 2, un = un-1 * 5 is a geometric sequence. u0 = 0, un = un-1 + n is the sequence of triangular numbers. u0 = 0, un = un-1 + n(n+1)/2 is the sequence of perfect squares. u0 = 1, u1 = 1, un+1 = un-1 + un is the Fibonacci sequence.

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How do you calculate the sum of all numbers from 1 through 100?

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