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62; or 3.6 X 10

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Q: What is the exponent form of 6 multiplied by 6?
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What is x to 5th exponent multiplied by x to the 6th exponent?

( X5 ) x ( X6 ) = X(5+6) = X11

What goes into 216 multiplied by itself with the exponent of 3?

6 x 6 x 6 or 6^3 = 216

How do you write a number in exponent form?

Well suppose you were asked to pu 6*6*6*6 in an exponet form. You take the number taht wants to be put into exponet form (in this case 6) and the exponet would be how manytimes this munber is multiplied (in this case 4) (the answer would be 6^4)

What is the common factor multiplied repeatedly by the exponent?

The base is the common factor multiplied repeatedly by the exponent.

Use the word exponent in a sentence?

11(base number) was multiplied by it's own number five times, in exponent form that would be eleven to the power of 5 ex: 11x11x11x11x11=11to the power of 5

What is the meaning of operation of equation exponent base?

exponent-the no. of times a quantity is multiplied by itself

What is the product of an integer multiplied by itself?

An Exponent.

What does exponent mean in math?

An exponent indicates how many time a number should be multiplied by itself. X1 just means 1 times X, X2 means X*X, X3 means X*X*X, X10 means X multiplied by itself 10 times. X0 is always 1.An exponent can also be negative.

When a base of an exponential expression is apositive real number and exponent is an integer?

Then, if the exponent is a positive integer, the value is 1 multiplied by the base repeatedly, exponent times. If the exponent is a negative integer then it is the reciprocal of the above value.In either case, it is NOT the base multiplied by itself an exponent number of times.

What is a number that tells how many times a base number is multiplied by itsealf?

An exponent.

How do you write 8 times 8 times 8 times 8 times 8 in exponent form?

You simply count the number of eights that are being multiplied together, and that is your exponent. In this case that would be: 8⁵

What is the difference between base number and the exponent?

In their simplest forms, a base number is the number that is being multiplied by itself while the exponent is the number of times that the base is multiplied.