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Q: What is the expression of error as a percentage of the value?
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What is percentage error?

Given a true value and the measured value,the error is measured value - true value;the relative error is (measured value - true value)/true value, andthe percentage error is 100*relative error.

What does a negative percentage error means?

A percentage error is 100*(measurement - true value)/true valueThe percentage error is negative if the measured (or calculated) value is smaller that the true value.

How do you calculate percentage error for density of pennies?

Percent error refers to the percentage difference between a measured value and an accepted value. To calculate the percentage error for density of pennies, the formula is given as: percent error = [(measured value - accepted value) / accepted value] x 100.

Mass of a sample measured 9.67gwhat is the percent error if the correct mass is 9.82g?

percentage error= experimental value-accepted value/ accepted value x 100 (percentage error is negative only if the accepted value is larger than the experimental value) percentage error= 9.67-9.82/9.82 x 100 percentage error= -1.6

What is a percentage error?

The percentage error is how accurate your experimental values compared to the accepted value. The equation is: [(experimental value - accepted value) / accepted value] x 100

What is the difference between percentage error and percentage accuracy?

percentage error is the difference from the actual value divided by actual value in 100,whereas subtracting the same value from one give u the percentage accuracy

What makes your percent error calculated value not equal to the actual value?

You do not add the percentage error but the actual error.

What does relative error percentage mean?

Relative error percentage is a decimal percentage between 1 and 0 such that if you multiply the actual answer by (1-errorrel) you get your approximate value. In other words relative error is an indicator of how far away your apporximation is from the real value in terms of percent of the real value.

A student incorrectly converted 20ºC to 64ºF instead of 68ºF What is the student's approximate percent error?

Error percentage = (error value - theoretical value)/(theoretical value) * 100%You figure out the rest.PS, it looks like a really small percentage.

How would you find the estimated percentage error?

Go find out.Or:(calculated value) - (actual value)---------------------------------------- * 100(%) = percentage of error(actual value)(if the top value is negative, just switch the two or multiply by -1)

Write the equation used to calculate percent error?

Percentage error = Value experimental-Value acceptedValueaccepted x 100

What is the percentage error in p?

Percentage error in p is calculated by taking the absolute difference between the measured value and the true value, dividing by the true value, and then multiplying by 100 to get the percentage. The formula is |(measured value - true value) / true value| * 100.