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Q: What is the extent from side to side?
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Measurement of the extent of something from side to side?


Which countries participated in the battle of the Atlantic?

On the allied side: Britain, Canada, US and on the Axis Side: Germany and to a lesser extent Italy.

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Measurement of the extent of an object along its greatest dimension?

Length is the measurement of the extent of an object along its greatest dimension. It typically refers to the longest side or distance from one point to another on an object.

What is the definition of 'breadth'?

The term 'breadth' generally refers to the width of something or the distance from side to side. The term can also refer to the wide scope or extent of something, such as the breadth of an answer.

How do you bisect a reflex angle?

The method is exactly the same as for bisecting any other angle. You may find it easier to bisect the "other side" of the reflex angle, which will be at most obtuse and then extent the bisector through the vertex to the other side.The method is exactly the same as for bisecting any other angle. You may find it easier to bisect the "other side" of the reflex angle, which will be at most obtuse and then extent the bisector through the vertex to the other side.The method is exactly the same as for bisecting any other angle. You may find it easier to bisect the "other side" of the reflex angle, which will be at most obtuse and then extent the bisector through the vertex to the other side.The method is exactly the same as for bisecting any other angle. You may find it easier to bisect the "other side" of the reflex angle, which will be at most obtuse and then extent the bisector through the vertex to the other side.



What kinds of vegetation live on Antarctica?

Two types of short grass grow on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, and that is the extent of vegetation on the continent.

How do you use word fullest?

To use the word "fullest" in a sentence, you could say something like "I want to live life to the fullest" or "She embraced each day to the fullest extent." This word is commonly used to mean to the greatest degree or the most complete extent possible.

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The most common side effects are headache and dizziness. Sadly, due to the nature of the diet it's almost certain that most people going on it will experience these to some extent.

What information does the ratio of adjacent side lengths within a rectangle give you?

It gives a measure of the "flatness" of the rectangle. It is not a measure which is used to any significant extent.

What is a weld backgouge?

A Backgouge consists of preparation of the second side of full penetration welds to the extent necessary to permit the proper deposition of weld metal.