Perimeter = Length of side 1 + Length of side 2 + Length of side 3 + Length of side 4 + Length of side 5 + Length of side 6 + Length of side 7 + Length of side 8.
If the hexagon isn't regular, then the formula is: Perimeter = (side-1 length)+(side-2 length)+(side-3 length)+(side-4 length)+(side 5 length)+(side-6 length) If the hexagon is regular, then the formula is: Perimeter = 6 x (length of any side)
It is, not surprisingly, the side of length 225!
Perimeter of a triangle = (length of side #1) + (length of side #2) + (length of side #3)
The area of a square is (the side length)2.That means (the side length) times (the side length).If you multiply 15 by 15, that will get you close.
Perimeter = Length of side 1 + Length of side 2 + Length of side 3 + Length of side 4 + Length of side 5 + Length of side 6 + Length of side 7 + Length of side 8.
If the hexagon isn't regular, then the formula is: Perimeter = (side-1 length)+(side-2 length)+(side-3 length)+(side-4 length)+(side 5 length)+(side-6 length) If the hexagon is regular, then the formula is: Perimeter = 6 x (length of any side)
It is, not surprisingly, the side of length 225!
Perimeter of a triangle = (length of side #1) + (length of side #2) + (length of side #3)
length is side to side
The area of a square is (the side length)2.That means (the side length) times (the side length).If you multiply 15 by 15, that will get you close.
The side length is 70.71 cm
It it's a rectangle, then the length one side is 450/(length of the next side) .
Length of Side*Length of Side (in square units).
Shortest side -------------------- Longest side
Most commonly, the longer side is the length.
(length of side)2 X 6 [or (length of side) X (length of side) X 6]