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Q: What is the feret ratio of sphere?
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Danuta Feret was born on February 2, 1934, in Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland.

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Edouard Feret has written: 'Les vins de Bordeaux' 'Bordeaux and Its Wines'

The radius of one sphere is the radius of one sphere is twice as great as the radius of a second sphere. a. Find the ratio of their surface areas.?


How does a sphere shape differ from other shapes?

For a given area, the biggest volume you can enclose is a sphere. A sphere has the best volume-to-area ratio.

What is a leprechaun's favorite animal?

either a feret, girkin or a moldy potato

Can the surface to volume ratio of a sphere be the same as a cube?

No. The surface to volume ratio of a sphere is always smaller than that of a cube. This is because the sphere has the smallest surface area compared to its volume, while the cube has the largest surface area compared to its volume.

Which geometric shape has the lowest surface area to volume ratio?

A sphere has the lowest surface area to volume ratio of all geometric shapes. This is because the sphere is able to enclose the largest volume with the smallest surface area due to its symmetrical shape.

What is the ratio of the surface area of a sphere with radius 2 ft to the surface area of a sphere with radius of 5 ft?

a. 2 to 5.

What is the ratio of surface area to volume for a sphere with the following measurements. Surface area equals 300 m2 Volume equals 500 m3?

0.6 m-1 is the ratio of surface area to volume for a sphere.

How do you spell feret?

The correct spelling for the small weasel-like pet is a ferret.

Why is everything in space a sphere shape?

A sphere contains the most volume to surface area ratio there is and most things sought that shape when molten.