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4 : 8 : 6 in terms of letters in their names. If you wanted the ratio of some other characteristic you should have specified which.

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Q: Ratio of a cone to cylinder to sphere?
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Does a cone a cylinder and a sphere have any vertices?

The cone has one. Neither the cylinder nor the sphere has any.

How are cone and cylinder and sphere alike?

a cylinder is like a soup can. and a cone is like a party hat.

What is relationship between cone and sphere?

Actually seeing the relationship between the volumes of a cone (one-third of a cylinder) and a sphere (two-thirds of a cylinder) is hard to beat. The cylinder is 1/3 the volume of the cone

What is a round 3d object?

cylinder, cone or a sphere

Which 3 figures have no vertices?

a cylinder, a sphere, and a cone

What are the solids with curved serfaces?

Sphere, cylinder and cone

Which solids have a curved surface?

A Sphere, a cylinder and a cone.

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How about a cylinder, a cone and a sphere

What does cone cylinder and a sphere have in common?

A circular cross-section.

What is the answer to pi scavanger hunt?

3 is a Sphere,cone,cylinder

What is the difference between a cone sphere and a cylinder?

sphere has 1 face and no vertex and it rolls but cone has 2 faces and it can roll and it has 1 vertex

What three dimensional shape out of a cone cylinder or sphere has 1 edge and 1 face?
