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acute triangle

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Q: What is the figure that is made with 3 angles which are less than right angles?
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I am a closed shape made of 6 line segments. I have 2 angles less than a right angle and no right angles. What shape am I?

A octagon cause it has 6 angles and 2 angles less cause when I made a picture of an octagon some lines were close to each other and there isn’t any right angles cause they don’t connect to the other sides and they need to connect to the shape or it wont be a right angle.

Does an octagon have right angles?

No, an octagon is not made up of right angles but of obtuse angles. It is made up of 8, 135 degree angles.

What closed shape is made of 6 line segments has 2 angles less than a right angle and no right angles?

Any closed shape with 6 line segments is a hexagon.

What closed figure makes up four equal angles?

what closed figure made up of four equal angles could be a

What figure can be made with 3 acute angles?

an equilateral triangle

What types of angels does a square have?

Squares' sides are made up of 90 degree, or right angles. These angles are also acute (acute angles equaling ninety degrees or less). All angles in a square are equal, and they add up to 360 degrees.

What is made of two lines that are perpendicular to each other?

right angles where they cross

Can a trapezoid be made from 3 right angles?

no, because three right angles don't even make a square...

Can a trapezoid be made with 3 right angles?


A geometric figure having three ling segments for sides?

A triangle is a geometric figure that is made of three line segments. It is a closed figure and has three angles.

How many acute angles are there in a cube?

There are none because a square is made out of right angles, and a cube's faces are made out of squares.

How can there be 2 congruent angles in a plus sign?

yes of course! it is made of two right angles