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Q: What is the first 4 letters of pi?
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What are the first 11 letters in pi?

Pi has no letters. The first 11 decimal places are: 3.14159 26535 8

What does gupi stand for?

If you mean the virtual toy pet gupi it is the 1st 2 letters of guinie (gu) then the first 2 letters of pig (pi) altoghether gu and pi makes gupi

What first 4 numbers of pi are?


What are the first 4 's of pi?

Pi = 3.14159.....I don't know the rest of the digit's.

Where did Pi get this name from in the Life of Pi?

people made fun of his name his real name is Piscine Molitor Patel. but instead the next year her decided to use the first 2 letters which is "Pi"

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What is pi divided by 4?

45 degrees or 0.785398163. The first part is pi radians divided by 4, not quite the same thing.

Who is the TV presenter with 4 letters in first name and 4 letters in surname?

tv presenter 4 and 4

What is the reciprocal of 4 - pi?

pi-4 is the opposite and 1/4-pi is the reciprocal

What can a fork do that starts with a pi?

A fork can pick up food. It begins with the letters pi.

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How do you write the math term pie in letters?

In ordinary everyday letters . . . pi In Greek letters . . . Π