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New Writer: The human hand.

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Cullen Jacobs

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Q: What is the first counting devices?
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How fingers were used as early counting devices?

10 fingers

How many establishments in the U.S. manufactured totalizing fluid meters and counting devices in the late 1990's?

Approximately 223 U.S. establishments manufactured totalizing fluid meters and counting devices in the late 1990s

Why abacus considered as first recording adding machine?

The abacus is considered the first adding machine because it was the first tool that was used to add with. There were not any counting devices until the invention of the abacus in 3000 BC.

Name the first calculating device?

It may depend upon the early civilization referred and their records thereof. Anyway, here are some of the ancient devices chronologically listed below. pebbles and stones counting boards counting rods abacus

How much money was generated from the shipment of goods from the totalizing fluid meters and counting devices industry at the end of the twentieth century?

valued at $1.78 billion, and other totalizing fluid meters and counting devices valued at $171 million.

What is the computer inventors name?

The answer to this question depends of your definition of a computer. The first known counting devices or tools were Tally Sticks from about 35000 BC.

What is the first counting number?

the #1 is the 1st counting #. the #1 believe me

What is the least common multiple of the first twelve counting numbers?

The LCM of the first twelve counting numbers is 27720

What is the sum the first 100 counting number?

The sum of the first 100 counting numbers (1-100) is 5,001.

What is the sum of the first 500 odd counting numbers?

The sum of the first 500 odd counting numbers is 250,000.

What is the sum of the first 50 counting numbers?

The sum of the first 50 counting numbers, excluding zero, is 1,251.

What is the sum of the first six counting numbers?

The sum of the first six counting numbers (1-6) is 19.