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The sum of the first 50 counting numbers, excluding zero, is 1,251.

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Q: What is the sum of the first 50 counting numbers?
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What is the sum of the first 50 numbers?

The sum of the first 50 whole numbers is 1,225.

What is the sum of the first 50 odd numbers?

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The sum of the first 50 even numbers is 2,550.

What is the sum of 50 natural numbers?

The sum of the first 50 natural numbers is 1,251.

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What is the sum of the first 50 natural numbers?

sum of n natural number is n(n+1)/2 first 50 number sum is 50(50+1)/2 = 1275

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of all the things i got is 2550

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How do you find a quick and easy method to compute the sum of the first 100 counting numbers?

The formula is: S_n = (n(n+1))/2 where S is the sum and n is the amount of numbers (starting at 1). So for 100: S_100 = (100(101))/2 = 50(101) = 5050 Alternatively, you could group 0+100 (0 isn't a counting number, just a placeholder), 1+99, 2+98, ..., 49+51, 50. You get 50 groups of 100 and 1 of 50. 50(100) + 50 = 5050. I think this is what Gauss did.

What is the sum of composite numbers from 1 to 50?

The sum of the composite numbers between 1 and 50 is 936.

How would you find the sum of the first 50 even numbers?

Sum of 1st n even numbers: count*average = n * (2 + 2*n)/2 = n * (n+1) Sum = 50 * (2+100)/2 = 50*51 = 2550