The number 6.941 contains digits following a decimal point, therefore it is not a whole number.
Mixed numbers contain whole numbers and fractions
an integer
I assume you mean a set that contains a single whole number. Yes, you can have sets with zero elements, one element, two elements, etc.; so a set which contains a single number is perfectly valid.
The first whole number that contains the letter "a" is one thousand. In numerical form, it is written as 1,000. The letter "a" appears in the word "thousand," which is the first whole number where it occurs.
Yes, 15 is a whole number.
It contains whole number plus fraction of 1, so its a mixed number.
The number 6.941 contains digits following a decimal point, therefore it is not a whole number.
Mixed numbers contain whole numbers and fractions
It is a mixed fraction.
Hey first try to be clear. What do you mean? The first whole number is 0.
NO!!! Because it contains a decimal ,which is LESS than one whole.
an integer
I assume you mean a set that contains a single whole number. Yes, you can have sets with zero elements, one element, two elements, etc.; so a set which contains a single number is perfectly valid.