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It is 2.5611*101

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Q: What is the floating-point notation for 25.611?
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How do you write 387 in standard notation?

387.Standard notation is our regular system of writing numbers. So, 387 is already in standard notation! Other kinds of notation include scientific notation and expanded notation.

What is the symbol and scientific notation of exa?

The symbol is E and the notation is 1018The symbol is E and the notation is 1018The symbol is E and the notation is 1018The symbol is E and the notation is 1018

What influenced neumatic notation?

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What are 2 ways of writing numbers?

standard notation and scientific notation For example: 126,000 is standard notation. 1.26X105 is scientific notation.

What is the opposite of scientific notation?

There is no true opposite of scientific notation, but the closest answer is Standard Notation.

What is 16000 in standard notation?

The standard notation is 16,000 The scientific notation is 1.6 × 104

How do you convert from array notation to pointer notation?

In the C and C++ languages the array notation arr[i] is completely equivalent to the pointer notation *(arr + i).