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chances are if your 14 and you dont know how to do this, you no longer have foreskin. foreskin is extra skin that laps over the head (purple part ) of your penis. many times after a baby is born the doctors circumsize a baby boy and it gets rid of the extra skin. if your not sure about if you were ciircumsized or not ask one of your parents

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Q: What is the foreskin and how do you push back it back Im 14 and never done this before. I need details because ive never done this before.?
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What if your foreskin stops at the opening of your tip of your penis and it never used to before?

If you are of an age that you are still growing, it may be as simple as your penis has grown a bit and the foreskin didn't. Just as every penis is different, the length of foreskin is also.

Can a boy's foreskin grow back after circumcision?


What could happen if a boy's penile foreskin is forced back too early?

The foreskin of an uncircumsized newborn should NEVER be pulled back; it is a myth and it is dangerous to do this. It should never be forced back by a parent, no matter what the reason the parent has. Keep your hands off of it. Tissues of the glans penis and of the covering foreskin are not yet differentiated, and the foreskin should be left alone. Some physicians consider that an unretracted foreskin can be normal and non-problematic even as late as puberty. Yes, there can be problems with the foreskin, but pathological phimosis (a medically problematic unretractable foreskin) is virtually NEVER a competent diagnosis at birth.AnswerThe foreskin does not retract at birth. Forcing it back at this age can cause tearing and scarring meaning it will be difficult to retract in the future.

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Because that's why they're called observant.

When age should you have forskin on your penis?

All boys have foreskins on their penises when they are born, but many have it removed when they are very small and don't ever remember having it. Often it is removed before the baby leaves the hospital after being born.

When to restore foreskin after circumcision?

You can start at any time you like, the younger the better, Keep in mind however that the restored foreskin will never be the same as the original as a lot of nervous tissue is lost with the original mutilation. Suggest you look up foreskin restoration on the web for further guidance.

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No,because I've never heard it before

Do you have to cut of your foreskin to be Jewish?

Abraham was circumcised, so Most Male Jews have had their penis circumcised, the removal of the foreskin. No Jewish woman has Ever had her genitals cut up. Circumcision Only applies to the Men, never to the Women in Judaism.

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You have been reading up on stretching your foreskinand want to know whether it should be done while penis is erect or soft your foreskin is easily pulled back when soft?

There are a lot of scams selling products for "stretching" the foreskin. There is no scientific evidence that stretching is possible. If it were, problems like phymosis (or phimosis) (narrowing of the foreskin that prevents full retraction) would never happen.