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Volume of a Triangular Prism

Volume= 0.5(area of the base)(distance between 2 faces)


Volume of a triangular prism = (area of the base) (perpendicular distance between the 2 bases of the prism)

Since it is a triangular prism, the base of the prism is triangle in shape.

Let b be the base of the triangle and h be the height of the triangle.

Area of the triangle = 1/2 b*h or b*h/2.

Let the Perpendicular distance between the two bases of the prism be l units.

Then the volume of the triangular prism = (1/2)*b*h*l

Volume = 1/2*b*h*l cubic units.

So basically the formula is base times height then divided by two. (Only for the triangle.)

For example, if one triangle's height is 6 and height is 11, then it would be like this:

6 x 11= 66, divided by two = 33.

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Q: What is the formula for calulating the volume and the area of a triangular prism and a triangle?
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