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To get an "approximate" distance to the oceanic horizon from a particular observation point, take the square root of the height of the observation point, add 22.5%, and that will give you the distance in statute miles. For example, if your eyes were 6 feet off the ground, and you stood atop a 50' tower, your observation point would be 56'. The square root of 56' is 7.48. Add 22.5% of 7.48 (1.68) to 7.48 and you have 9.16 statute miles from your eyes to the horizon.

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Q: What is the formula for determining distance to the horizon from a given height?
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What is the distance to horizon vs height above ocean water?

The distance to the horizon, d kilometres, is related to the height above mean sea level, h metres, by the approximate formula: d = 3.57*sqrt(h).

What is the formula for working out the height of a tree?

Formula for working out height of a tree is (distance from eye to base of tree/distance from eye to base of stick) x length of stick = tree height.(distance from eye to base of tree/distance from eye to base of stick) x length of stick = tree height is the formula for working out height of a tree.

What is the formula for determining volume of an object?

Length times width times height LxWxH=V

What is the distance to the horizon?

The distance to the horizon depends on the altitude of the observer. Assuming that the earth is a sphere and that the horizon is at sea level, the geometry of the situation involves a right triangle with the hypotenuse equal to the radius of the earth plus your altitude (R + A) and the opposite side equal to the radius of the earth (R). Then it's only necessary to apply the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the third side:D = sqrt( (R + A)2 - R2 ) = sqrt( 2RA + A2 )where the radius of the earth is 6367.5 km or 6.3675 x 106 m. If you're standing on the beach looking out to sea, then A is at most a few meters, say 3 m as an example. In that case, the horizon is about 6181 m or 6.181 km away. If you're on a high bluff or on the roof of a tall building looking out to sea, and your altitude is 150 m, then the horizon would be 43,706 m or 43.706 km away. The arithmetic is slightly more complicated if the horizon is anything other than the ocean.Another Way To Look At It:A simple approximation formula:The distance in miles, is the square root of one and a half times the height in feet.So, for a six foot tall person, standing on a beach: 1.5 times their height is 9. The square root of 9 = 3. So, the horizon is about 3 miles away.Note: This simplified formula is quite accurate, but only works if the height is in feet and the distance in miles. If you want to use height in meters and distance in kilometers, you need to change the multiplier from 1.5 to 12.74.

What is the formula for determining volume in an aquarium?

In a rectangular aquarium, multiply the length, width, and height in inches and then divide the answer by 231 to get the amount of gallons the tank can hold.

Related questions

What is the distance to horizon vs height above ocean water?

The distance to the horizon, d kilometres, is related to the height above mean sea level, h metres, by the approximate formula: d = 3.57*sqrt(h).

What is the distance from point A in the ocean to the horizon?

2 miles.Answer:The distance to the horizon on the ocean is a function of the height of the observation point. In general (and with thanks to Pythagoras) it is:d=(h(D+h))0.5 whered = distance to the horizonD = diameter of the Earthh = height of the observer above sea level

What is the formula for working out the height of a tree?

Formula for working out height of a tree is (distance from eye to base of tree/distance from eye to base of stick) x length of stick = tree height.(distance from eye to base of tree/distance from eye to base of stick) x length of stick = tree height is the formula for working out height of a tree.

Distance to the earth's horizon?

The distance in kilometers to the horizon is the square root of (13 X observers height in meters) so for a 1.8 meter person standing on the seashore the horizon is about 5 km away. For someone on a jet at 10,000 meters the horizon is 360 km away.

What is the distance on the ground that a human eye can see?

A person of height 1.7 metres can see a bright light at the horizon - a distance of 4.7 kilometres.

What is the formula for determining the volume of a cube in cubic inches?

width times height times depth

How far is the horizon from shore?

The distance to the horizon from the shore depends on the height of the observer's eyes above sea level. On average, a person standing at sea level on the shore can see approximately 3 miles to the horizon. If the observer is standing at a higher elevation, such as on a cliff or in a tall building, they can see farther.

How do you calculate height based on velocity and time?

I assume you refer to the formula distance = velocity x time. If an object moves upward, the distance would become the height.

How far can you see on the horizon?

According to Maryln Van DeSavant I seem to recall she said 7 miles. From basic geometry, you get that the distance to the horizon is D=sqrt(2Rh) where D = distance to horizon R = radius of earth h = height of observer, which would be the height of your eyes. R and h have to be in consistent units, of course. In feet the radius of the earth is about 4000 mi * 5000 ft/mi or 20 million feet. Standing on the shore, your eyes are maybe 5 feet above the surface, so D=sqrt(2*20e6*5)= 14000 feet, or a little under three miles. There are some other effects that make that number a little different. Refraction bends your line of sight, so you can see a little bit farther. If you're looking at an object on the water, like a ship, you also get the distance on the other side of the horizion that corresponds to the height of the target. ==How to calculate the distance yourself== To get an "approximate" distance to the oceanic horizon from a particular observation point, take the square root of the height of the observation point, add 22.5%, and that will give you the distance in statute miles. For example, if your eyes were 6 feet off the ground, and you stood atop a 50' tower, your observation point would be 56'. The square root of 56' is 7.48. Add 22.5% of 7.48 (1.68) to 7.48 and you have 9.16 statute miles from your eyes to the horizon.

What is the formula for determining volume of an object?

Length times width times height LxWxH=V

If your eyes were 4 feet above the ground how far would you be able to see until the horizon?

If your eyes were 4 feet above the ground, you would be able to see approximately 3 miles to the horizon. This distance is calculated using the formula d = √(1.5*h) where d is the distance in miles and h is the height of the observer in feet.

How do you get the formula mgh of potential energy?

The formula for potential energy, (mgh), comes from the equation (PE = mgh), where (PE) represents potential energy, (m) is mass, (g) is acceleration due to gravity, and (h) is height. This formula represents the energy an object possesses due to its position relative to a reference point.