

Best Answer

There are different formula for:





Length of Median

Radius of inscribed circle

Perimeter of inscribed circle

Area of inscribed circle


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Q: What is the formula for equillateral triangle?
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How many congruent sides does a equillateral triangle have?


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You do not have any right angles all your sides are the same length what are you?

I am a rhombus or an equillateral triangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon etc.

The perimeter of an equillateral triangle is 186 centimeters What is the length of one side of the triangle?

62 cm. All sides of the equilateral triang;e are the same so you simply divide the perimeter by three.

Are al equillateral triangles similar?


Can a right trianlge ever be a equillateral traingle?


Why does the formula of a triangle work?

Depends on what formula.

What is the formula for triangle?


Does the formula for the area of a triangle pertain to all triangles including scalene triangles?

The title of the formula is "Formula for the Area of a Triangle". No discrimination is expressed or implied.

When building a distance formula what kind of triangle are you building?

right triangle

Formulae of triangle?

The formula which defines a triangle is: Number of vertices = 3.

What is the formula of the base of a triangle?

There is no specific formula for the base of a triangle. More often than not, it is to measure it.Otherwise, the answer depends on what information you do have.