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Q: What is the formula for expected value under certainty?
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What is the formula for expected value of perfect information?

Evopi = evw/pi – evw/o pi

The expected value for 'i' for NaCl is?

The expected value for 'i' is 2 for NaCl because it dissociates into two ions (Na+ and Cl-) when dissolved in water. This means one formula unit of NaCl produces 2 ions in solution.

What does p value 1 means?

If p refers to the probability of an event, then the answer is "certainty".If p refers to the probability of an event, then the answer is "certainty".If p refers to the probability of an event, then the answer is "certainty".If p refers to the probability of an event, then the answer is "certainty".

Is the expected value the same as the standard deviation?

No. The expected value is the mean!

What is the meaning of expected value in a probability distribution?

The expected value is the average of a probability distribution. It is the value that can be expected to occur on the average, in the long run.

How do i find expected value in a martingale system?

The expected value of a Martingale system is the last observed value.

What is the mean of a normal distribution?

It is the expected value of the distribution. It also happens to be the mode and median.It is the expected value of the distribution. It also happens to be the mode and median.It is the expected value of the distribution. It also happens to be the mode and median.It is the expected value of the distribution. It also happens to be the mode and median.

Difference between mean and expected value?

For a population the mean and the expected value are just two names for the same thing. For a sample the mean is the same as the average and no expected value exists.

What is the expected value of the sum of the number that appears when a pair of fair dice is rolled?

The expected value is 7.

The expected value is what kind of aspect of how probability distribution is characterized?

Expected value is the outcome of confidence of how probability distribution is characterized. If the expected value is greater than the confidence interval then the results are significant.

What is the chi square test used for?

The chi-squared test is used to compare the observed results with the expected results. If expected and observed values are equal then chi-squared will be equal to zero. If chi-squared is equal to zero or very small, then the expected and observed values are close. Calculating the chi-squared value allows one to determine if there is a statistical significance between the observed and expected values. The formula for chi-squared is: X^2 = sum((observed - expected)^2 / expected) Using the degrees of freedom, use a table to determine the critical value. If X^2 > critical value, then there is a statistically significant difference between the observed and expected values. If X^2 < critical value, there there is no statistically significant difference between the observed and expected values.

What does it mean if you get a negative number when you calculate for percent error?

Depending on whether you subtract actual value from expected value or other way around, a positive or negative percent error, will tell you on which side of the expected value that your actual value is. For example, suppose your expected value is 24, and your actual value is 24.3 then if you do the following calculation to figure percent error:[percent error] = (actual value - expected value)/(actual value) - 1 --> then convert to percent.So you have (24.3 - 24)/24 -1 = .0125 --> 1.25%, which tells me the actual is higher than the expected. If instead, you subtracted the actual from the expected, then you would get a negative 1.25%, but your actual is still greater than the expected. My preference is to subtract the expected from the actual. That way a positive error tells you the actual is greater than expected, and a negative percent error tells you that the actual is less than the expected.