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It is: 4*pi*radius2

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Q: What is the formula for finding surface area of a sphere?
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What mathematician discovered the formula for finding the surface area of a sphere?


Given a sphere with radius r the formula 4r2 gives?

If you mean 4*pi*r^2 then it is the formula for finding the surface area of a sphere

What is the formula for the volume of a sphere in terms of surface area S?

Given the surface area, where S=surface area, the formula for finding the volume isV = √(S / 4pi)

Formula for surface area of a sphere?

The formula for the surface area of a sphere is: 4 pi r 2

What is the formula of getting the area of square?

Formula for finding the surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2 in square units. Formula for finding the volume of a sphere = 4/3*pi*radius3 in cubic units. Or did you mean the formula for finding the area of a square? in which case it is Length*Height in square units.

How do you figure out surface area for half sphere?

To do this question, we have to ask ourself, what formula do you use to find the surface area of a sphere. The answer should be known to you, but it is 4πr2. Since we know how to find the surface area for a full sphere, then finding the surface for a half sphere is just half the job. You use the formula for the full sphere 4πr2, and divide it by 2... so (4πr2) / 2 . Voila!

Formula for calculating the area of sphere?

The formula for calculating the surface area of a sphere is 4πr², where r is the radius of the sphere. This formula represents the area covered by the curved surface of the sphere.

What is the surface area of a sphere?

The formula for the surface area of a sphere is 4*pi*r2

What are everyday uses for pi?

Some of many examples are:- Finding the circumference of a circle Finding the area of a circle Finding the surface area of a sphere Finding the volume of a sphere Finding the surface area of a cylinder Finding the volume of a cylinder Finding the volume of a cone Finding the surface area of a cone

What is the formula for the suface area of a sphere?

Surface area of a sphere = 4πr2

How do you do formula for surface area using sphere?

Surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2

What is the formula of finding the circumference of a sphere?

4*pi*r2. because surface area is equal to circumference of circle.