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nM=m moles of solid multiplied by Molar mass (Atomic Mass on Periodic Table) = Mass of solid

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Q: What is the formula for mass of solid?
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How is hfusion used to calculate the energy needed to mention a mass of a solid?

The formula for calculating the energy needed to melt a mass of a solid is Heat energy = mass x specific heat capacity x ΔT + mass x heat of fusion. This formula includes the specific heat capacity of the material, the change in temperature, and the heat of fusion required to melt the material.

What solid has a density of about 10.17952941?

I think there is not enough information to solve this question, but these formula's might be helpful: density = mass / volume volume = mass / density mass = volume * density

What is the formula for the density of a solid object?

The formula for the density of a solid object is density (ρ) = mass (m) / volume (V). It is typically expressed in units such as grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3) or kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m^3).

How can we calculate the density of a irregular solid or a liquid?

You can dip the irregular solid in a water or other suitable liquid. This is how, you can measure the volume of the solid. The mass can be measured by weighing scale. Mass/volume = density. It is easy to measure the mass and volume of the liquid. First measure the mass the container. Then add the liquid to it. You will get the mass of the liquid. Then measure the volume of the liquid. Use the above formula to calculate the density of the liquid.

Does solid has definite mass and space?

A solid has a mass

What is the kenatic energy for soildis?

The term "kenatic energy" seems to be a misspelling or a term that is not recognized in physics. If you meant to ask about "kinetic energy" for a solid, it would depend on the mass and velocity of the solid. The kinetic energy of a solid is given by the formula KE = 0.5 * m * v^2, where m is the mass of the solid and v is its velocity.

How do find density if only mass is given of a rectangular solid?

To find density when only mass is given for a rectangular solid, you also need to know the volume of the solid. Density is calculated by dividing the mass by the volume. The formula for density is Density = Mass/Volume.

How is the Hfusion used to calculate the energy needed to melt a mass of solid?

Grams solid mol/g Hfusion

How do you caliculate density of a solid?

To calculate the mass of the solid:1.) First you must get the given numbers , the main 2 ---- the "MASS and the VOLUME".2.) Use the formula D = M over V or , -- Density equals mass divided by volume3.) Example 3.444 grams is the mass while the volume is 3.82 mL4.) Divide the mass by its Volume5.) Answer / Density = 0.902 grams over milliliters

What is the density of a unknown solid if it has a volume of 20 cm3 and a mass of 190 g?

The density of the unknown solid can be calculated using the formula: density = mass / volume. Substituting the values, we get density = 190 g / 20 cm3 = 9.5 g/cm3. Therefore, the density of the unknown solid is 9.5 g/cm3.

Does a solid have definite mass?

Yes, a solid has a definite mass because the mass of a solid is determined by the total amount of matter it contains, which remains constant regardless of its shape or volume.