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Q: What is the formula for surface area for a rhombus?
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The surface area formula for a right cone is the same as the surface area formula for an oblique cone?

False. The surface area formula for a right cone is not the same as the surface area formula for an oblique cone.

What is the formula for a rhombus?

There is no specific "formula." If you want the area of a rhombus, that is just A = bh/2 or (1/2)xy where x and y are the lengths of the diagonals.

What is the formula for getting the perimeter and area of a rhombus?

The answer depends on what information is given to you.

Why does rhombus and a kite have same formula for area?

because they are the same shape

What is the formula for the surface area of a rhomboid?

what is the formula to finding the total surface area of a rhomboid?!

Formula of surface area?

The formula for the surface area of a circle is pi times the square of the radius. The formula for the surface area of a triangle is base times height, divided by 2. The formula for the surface area of a square or rectangle is length times width.

What is the formula for calculating area of a rhombus?

Area = length*perpendicular height or 0.5*the product of its diagonals

Formula for surface area of a sphere?

The formula for the surface area of a sphere is: 4 pi r 2

Why can this formula also be used to find area of a rhombus?

If you want to ask questions about "this formula", may I suggest that you ensure that there is "this formula" in the question?

What is the formula of an curved surface area?

It depends on the formula that describes the surface itself. "Curved surface area" is not enough information to answer the question.

What is the formula of the surface area of two spheres?

Well, the formula for the surface area for one sphere is 4∏r2So if you have two identical spheres, the formula for the surface area of both would be 8∏r2

What is the formula for the volume of a sphere in terms of surface area S?

Given the surface area, where S=surface area, the formula for finding the volume isV = √(S / 4pi)