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Q: Why can this formula also be used to find area of a rhombus?
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What is the formula to find the are of a rhombus?


What is the formula used to find the area of a rhombus or a kite?

According to my maths teacher its: length x vertical height ------------------------------- 2 Hope I helped :)

Find the area of the rhombus below?

The answer is given below.

What is the formula to find the perimeter of a rhombus?

All the 4 sides of a rhombus are equal, so 4 times the length of a side.

There is a yellow rhombus on the flag of Brazil The long diagonal on the rhombus measures 7.0 units The short diagonal on the rhombus measures 4.4 units The area of any rhombus is half the product?

That is one of the ways of finding the area of a rhombus. The area is half the product of the diagonals. In this case, 1/2 of 7 x 4.4 or .154. You can also find the area of a rhombus by using one side as the base and finding an altitude for that base and multiplying them. There is a third way using trigonometry.

Find the area of the rhombus if AE equals 20m and DE equals 32m?

ind the area of the rhombus if AE = 20 m and DE = 32 m.

How do you find the voulme of a rhombus?

Rhombi are two dimensional, but the easiest way to find the area is to treat it like a parallelogram, or even a square. Just find Base x Height and you will get the area of a two dimensional rhombus, square, or parallelogram (among other polygons).Since volume is a three dimensional property, and rhombi are two dimensional, I will assume you just have an extruded rhombus. If I am correct, then you can just add the depth to that formula, giving you Base x Height x Depth.

Find the area of a rhombus with diagonals that measure 8 and 10?

Find the area of a rhombs with diagonals that measure 8 and 10.

How do you find the area of a rhombus AC17 BD15?

if those are the measurements then that is not a rhombus, rhombi are 4 sided shapesthat have all equal sides

Find the area of a rhombus?

A = baWhere A = areab = length of the basea = altitude (height).

Find the area of a rhombus with diagonals of 9 cm and 12 cm?


Area of rhombus if area and perimeter is given and if you have to find altitude?

Perimeter = 4*Side so that Side = Perimeter/4 Area of a rhombus = Side * Altitude so Altitude = Area/Side = Area/(Perimeter/4) = 4*Area/Perimeter