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Q: What is the formula if you have the average of 3 numbers equaling 78 you need to find the 4th number to get an average of 80?
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What is formula for the average time?

the formula for averaging anything is addition of all figures and then dividing by the number of numbers.

What does the AVERAGE formula do?

The average formula, in programs like Microsoft Excel and many others, take the sum of all the numbers that a user inputs into a list and divides it by the number of numbers in that same list.

What does average formula do?

The average formula, in programs like Microsoft Excel and many others, take the sum of all the numbers that a user inputs into a list and divides it by the number of numbers in that same list.

What is the average number of the numbers 24 and 50?

The average is 37. You find the answer with the formula 24 + 50 = 74 / 2 = 37.

What number is between 0.3 and 0.33?

The number between two numbers is commonly called the average of those two numbers. The average can be computed with this formula: (a + b) / 2. The average of 0.3 and 0.33 is (0.3 + 0.33) / 2 = 0.63 / 2 = 0.315

How does an autosum formula differ from an average formula?

An autosum formula calculates the total sum of a range of cells, while an average formula calculates the average value of a range of cells. The autosum function adds up the numbers in the selected range and can be applied to any numerical data, whereas the average function calculates the arithmetic mean of the numbers in the selected range.

What is a average number?

The Average number is the average of the numbers you're trying to find. To find the average number, you must add up all the numbers first and then divide by the number of numbers. Trust Point Me if this helped, Thanks!

What is the formula for the imaginary numbers?

it is determined by the number i

How do you work out this sum the average of 2 numbers is 16 if of one number is 12 what is the other number?

You 'work it out' by understanding what an average is, and how to work with it. -- Write the formula for the average of two numbers. -- Put the numbers you know into it. -- Solve it for the number you don't know. The average of two numbers is Avg = 1/2 (A + B) Put in the numbers you know: 16 = 1/2 (12 + B) You should be able to take this expression and find out what 'B' is. If you can't, then you need to make an appointment and spend some time with your teacher.

How do you find the missing number in a set of numbers where the average is given?

The average of a set of numbers is defined as the sum of those numbers divided by the number of numbers. If the average is given, multiply that by number of items in the set including the missing number. Subtract the sum of given numbers from this quotient and the missing number is revealed.

How do you do average of a lot of numbers?

To find the average of a list of numbers, add the numbers and divide by the number of numbers in the list.

How do you get the middle number?

The middle number is the number in the middle. If you mean average, you add up all the numbers then divide by how many numbers there are and that is the average.