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Q: What is the formula that relates circumstances and radius?
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What is the formula that relates circumference and radius?

Circumference = (2) x (pi) x (radius)

How do you calculate radius when the have no radius and no diameter?

You use the information that you do have, and a formula that relates it to theradius or diameter of the circle. As an example: The circumference is very helpfulif you know it.

What is Circumstances of a circle?

The circumstance of a circle is 2 x pi x radius. I.e.: if the circle has a radius of 6, the circumstances 12×π which is 37.6991118432

Formula for radius of circle?

radius = diameter/2

Formula for radius of a circle?

radius = diameter/2.

How is the centrifugal speed calculated?

The centrifugal speed can be calculated using the formula v = rω, where v is the speed, r is the radius, and ω is the angular velocity. This formula relates the linear speed of an object moving in a circle to its distance from the center and how fast it's spinning.

What is the formula to find the circumfrenece?

The formula is 2pie(radius).

What formula relates wavelength and period?

The formula that relates wavelength (λ) and period (T) for a wave is: λ = v * T, where v is the speed of the wave.

Formula of circle?

The formula for the area of a circle is pi times the radius squared. The formula for the circumference of a circle is two times pi times the radius.

How do you find the radius of a circle when the area is given?

-- Take the formula for the area of the circle in terms of the radius . . . A = (pi) R2-- Solve that formula for 'R'. You'll then have a formula for the radius in terms of the area,which is exactly what you're looking for.

What is the formula for finding cirumference when you just have the radius?

It is: 2*pi*radius

Formula for the radius of a circle?

Well to find the radius it is diameter/2.