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Q: What is the formula to calculate the cost of living adjustment?
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What does COLA stand for?

covered outside learning area Or: Cost Of Living Adjustment (As in "you ain't gettin' one.")

Did Social Security have a COLA in 2010?

No. Congress recently announced there will be no cost of living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security beneficiaries in 2011. The previous lack of adjustment in 2010 means the government will continue paying benefits at 2009 rates.

What is a COLA?

COLA is the acronym for Cost Of Living Adjustment.

What is the Social Security cost of living adjustment in 2010?

There was no cost of living adjustment (COLA) in 2010 or 2011; benefits will continue being paid at the same rate as in 2009.

What is the purpose of a cost-of-living adjustment?

to counter the effects of inflation

What is the formula to calculate prime costs?

Formula for Prime Cost = Material Cost + Labor Cost

Is the cost of living adjustment for wage earners the same?

Not at all. Many if not most wage earners get no cost of living adjustment. Those who do get significantly less than 100% of the cost of living - keep this in mind the next time you hear that wage increases cause inflation!

What was the cost of living adjustment for Social Security benefits in 2009?

It was 5.8%.

Is there a raise for disabled veterans in 2010?

No, since increases in benefits are tied to the cost-of-living. Since there was no cost-of-living adjustment declared for 2010, there is no increase.

What is the formula to calculate directivity?

there is no specific formula to calculate direct cost but direct cost are all those costs which are directly related to production of goods and separately identifiable.

What is the formula to calculate direct costs?

there is no specific formula to calculate direct cost but direct cost are all those costs which are directly related to production of goods and separately identifiable.

What rhymes with gorgonzola?

barbonza? NO ! Cola, Coca Cola, COLA [ cost-of-living adjustment acronym ]