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annual percentage rate

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Q: What is used to calculate by using standard formula to show the cost of a loan?
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What is calculated by using a standard formula to show the cost of a loan?

annual percentage rate

What is the formula to calculate prime costs?

Formula for Prime Cost = Material Cost + Labor Cost

What is the formula to calculate directivity?

there is no specific formula to calculate direct cost but direct cost are all those costs which are directly related to production of goods and separately identifiable.

How do you calculate the selling price if you know the cost and gross profit percentage?

Cost = Selling Price - Gross Profit By using this formula or method easily we can get the selling price of the product

What is the formula to calculate direct costs?

there is no specific formula to calculate direct cost but direct cost are all those costs which are directly related to production of goods and separately identifiable.

How is a grocery cost calculator different than a standard calculator?

A grocery cost calculator is used to estimate and calculate the food cost for a family. Its different than a standard calculator which is used to calculate the answer to math problems.

How do you calculate breake even sales knowing only total sales and variable cost and fixed cost?

Formula for breakeven point = Fixed Cost / Contribution margin Contribution margin = Total Sales - variable cost SO using above mentioned formula break even sales can be found.

How to calculate a profitable real eatate investment?

A profitable in real estate investment can be calculated using the following formula: Return on investment (ROI)=(gain from investment-cost of investment)/cost of investment.

How do you calculate fixed cost using total cost and quantity?


How do you calculate historical cost?

You can't. Unless you have some trend or a formula.

What is the formula to get income from operations?

what is the formula to calculate; manufacturing cost of good sold, gross profit, and operating income

How much does 70 watts cost?

The cost of using a 70 watt device depends on your locations and the rate of electricity charged by your utility provider. To calculate the cost, you can use the formula: (watts / 1000) x hours of use x cost per kilowatt-hour.