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There are very many formulae depending on what information you have.

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Q: What is the formula to calculte area of triangles?
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Does the formula for the area of a triangle pertain to all triangles including scalene triangles?

The title of the formula is "Formula for the Area of a Triangle". No discrimination is expressed or implied.

How can you find the area of a polygon that is not one for which you know an area formula?

Divide the polygon into triangles. Calculate the areas of the triangles and then sum these.

How do i Calculte the surface area of a globe?

Surface area of a globe = 4*pi*radius2

What is the formula for the area of triangles?

A=1/2 base x height

What is the formula for finding the area of triangles?

half of the base multipled by the height

What is the formula for calculating area of triangles?

Half of the base times height.

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What is the formula to find the area of an isosceles triangle?

For all triangles: area = 1/2 * base * height

What is the formula of a two triangles volume?

There is not one. Triangles are two dimensional, volume is three dimensional, a triangle can therefore have an area but no a volume.

What is the formula for a triangular pyramid in surface area?

A=1/2bh The area of a triangle is 1/2bh. If the base of it is a triangle and all 4 of the triangles aren't the same, then you have to find the area of the base triangle and then the three other triangles (which should all have the same area). If all four of the triangles have the same area, then just find the area of one of the triangles and multiply that by four. A triangular pyramid that has four equal triangles is also called a tetrahedron.

What is the formula for calculating the area of the heptagon shape?

There is no general formula.Divide the heptagon into triangles.Calculate the area of each triangle.Sum the areas of the triangles.

What is the formula of getting the area of a heptagon?

There is no simple formula. You need to divide it into triangles, calculate the areas of each one and sum the results.