

What is the formula to find AC?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is the formula to find AC?
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ac - d is an expression: it is NOT a formula.

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AC power is electricially, a value that is expressed in watts and voltage is the electromotive force that combined with amps, makes up the formula to find watts. Watts is the product of Amps x Volts. W = amps x volts.

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Knowing that the formula to find the area of a circle is * Ac = πr2 We must first find the radius of the circle with this formula: * Rc = d/2 So dividing the diameter by two we get a radius of 20 feet. * 20' = 40'/2 Now that the radius is found, we can plug it in and fine the exact answer needed: * Ac = π(20ft)2 * Ac = π(400ft2) We find that the exact answer is 400πft2. However if you want to calculate out the the value by multiplying out π the answer would change from 400πft2 to approximately 1256ft2. π = pi π ≈ 3.14

What is important when measuring power?

To measure power, you need the Voltage, and Current. In the case of AC you need the number of phases, and the power factor. Once you have these, you can find the proper formula.

What is the formula to convert 240 volt to 12 volts?

If it is AC then you don't need a formula, you just need a transformer.

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Does ac more sell duct tape?

How you can find out is stop being lazy ,get up , go to ac , and find out yourwelcome :)