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Make sure you know the length and width of the rectangle in the SAME UNITS ... both in inches, or both in meters etc. Then just multiply the two numbers ... Length x Width. The answer is the area of the rectangle.

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Q: What is the formula to solve for the area of a rectangle?
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How do you find the length of a rectangle when you know the area and breadth?

You take the formula for a rectangle, replace what you know, and solve for the remaining variable.

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For a rectangle, the formula is: area = base x height Fill in the items you know, and solve for the remaining item.

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The area formula for the parallelogram is related to the area formula for a rectangle because you can make the parallelogram into a rectangle to find the area.

What is the perimeter of the rectangle with a length of 8 inches is 48 square inches?

You must first calculate the width, using the formula for the area of a rectangle (plug in the numbers you know into the formula, and solve for width). Once you know this, you can plug in the numbers in the formula for a rectangle's perimeter.

How do you prove the formula for the area of a rectangle?

The formula for the area of a rectangle is length x breadth. In order to prove this works, work out an area of a rectangle using that formula.

Who made the formula A equals Lw?

The formula for the area rectangle

What is the formula to find the area of the base of a rectangular prism?

If the base is a rectangle, use the formula for the area of a rectangle.

What the formula for finding the area of a rectangle?

Area of a rectangle: a = l * w

What is the formula for the area of a square and rectangle?

The formula is for a square and rectangle is A=bh or A=lw

Formula for finding the area of a rectangle?

A = lw Area of a rectangle = length times width

How the formula for the area of a rectangle can be used to find the area of a square?

In the formula for the rectangle, put the width equal to the length.

How do you found the height of rectangle?

There is no "height" of a rectangle, unless it's a rectangular prism. Do you mean the length? If you have the area of the rectangle, the equation should be:A= L x WPlug in the area and the length and solve for the width, or plug in the area the width of the rectangle, and solve for the length.