πr2where π=3.14and r is radius
by the w x h x lenght
In regular quadrilaterals, it's length times width.
Area = Length x Width Perimeter = (2 x Length) + (2 x Width)
If the area was 0, there would be no triangle.
πr2where π=3.14and r is radius
by the w x h x lenght
In regular quadrilaterals, it's length times width.
There is no such word as "fourmula". I assume that you meant formula. However, there is still no "the formula". The formula for its perimeter is simple: perimeter = sum of the sides. But, depending on its shape, there will be simple or very complicated formulae for the area, angles and so on.
Area = Length x Width Perimeter = (2 x Length) + (2 x Width)
Area of Equilateral Triangle A= S2 * (Root 3)/4, where A= Area of the triangle S= Side of the triangle.
The area of triangle is : 24.0
If the area was 0, there would be no triangle.
The area of triangle is : 4.0
The area of triangle is : 1620.0