A value can be stated as a percent or a fraction. Improper fractions will be greater than 100 percent.
The ratio of 66666667 to 100000000 is one possible way of expressing it other than as a fraction or percentage.
You can tell if a fraction is less than 1% if the denominator of the fraction has its decimal place moved to the right 2 times and is less than the numerator it is less than 1 percent.
No. It can not as these numbers do not share a common factor other than 1.
Percent means out of 100. So a percentage can be written as a fraction over a denominator of 100. An improper fraction is when the numerator is greater than the denominator. ⇒ Any percentage greater than 100 % will have an improper fraction equivalent.
2.62% 262% because it's an improper fraction so the percent has to be greater than 100.
Just put it over 100. 168 percent = 168/100
A value can be stated as a percent or a fraction. Improper fractions will be greater than 100 percent.
The ratio of 66666667 to 100000000 is one possible way of expressing it other than as a fraction or percentage.
if you are looking for a fraction then then 49/50, other than that, your question needs to be clarified
You can tell if a fraction is less than 1% if the denominator of the fraction has its decimal place moved to the right 2 times and is less than the numerator it is less than 1 percent.
7/8 is 9.375 percent more than 4/5 .
you can find the percent of each fraction and when you see the biggest percent that is your answer . :) hope this helps u
No. It can not as these numbers do not share a common factor other than 1.
1.2 and 6/5