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That depends on how precise you want the approximation.

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Q: What is the fractional equivalent of the approximation of pi?
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The fraction form of pi?

22/7 * * * * * Since pi is a transcendental number, which is a kind of irrational number, there is no fractional form of pi. 22/7 is merely a fractional approximation.

What is the fraction form of Pi?

22/7 (twenty two-sevenths). * * * * * Since pi is a transcendental number, which is a kind of irrational number, there is no fractional form of pi. 22/7 is merely a fractional approximation.

What fraction is the equivalent of pi?

pi is irrational so there can be no fraction that is equivalent. 22/7 is often used as a simple approximation.

What is the closet fractional approximation for pi?

Pi is an indiscriminated boolean hypothinator, so it cannot be given a truely incomponential denominator. Therefore, as 1/2 = 2/4, Pi = 7/62626Pi That is pure gobbledygook. Since the questioner speaks of approximations, I presume (s)he knows pi is irrational. There is no closest fraction to an irrational number. No matter what fraction you pick, there is a closer one. Fractional approximations to pi are usually (not always) given as a decimal, so what makes sense to ask is what is the closest approximation to pi to a given number of decimals (digits after the decimal point). For example, the closest approximation to pi to 4 decimals is 3.1416.

How do you write pi In fraction from?

Fractional representations of irrational numbers won't be accurate. Many people have used 355/113 as a close approximation.

What is an approximation of pi?

Think of pi as infinity. It never ends. You might mean "3.14" as an approximation of pi, though.

Is it possible to find the whole number of pi?

Nope - Pi is an infinite number. The fractional equivalent is 22/7 which can never be a whole number.

What is Approximation for pi?

3.14 is the commonly used approximation

What is the approximate equivalent of pi?

The approximation of Pi is 22/7 and the most used form is 3.1416 (rounded up). To 30 decimal places, pi is : 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279

Why value of pi is considered 227?

22/7=3.14286 Which is a fair approximation to Pi, but 355/113 =3.14159 and is a much better approximation.

What is the frational equivalent of the approximation of pi?

22/7 is the older fraction approximation. 355/113 is a newer fraction. Notice it uses easy to remember numbers 113355. Neither one is exact because Pi is an irrational number. That means it can not be expressed as a fraction or a repeating decimal.

What mathematical principle is equal to 3.14?

That's not a "mathematical principle", it is an approximation of the number pi.That's not a "mathematical principle", it is an approximation of the number pi.That's not a "mathematical principle", it is an approximation of the number pi.That's not a "mathematical principle", it is an approximation of the number pi.