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Divide the speed by the wavelength. (For any wave, the wavelength times the frequency is equal to the speed of the wave.)

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Q: What is the frequency of a water wave that has a speed of 0.4 meter per second and a wavelength of 0.02 meter?
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What is the frequency of a150 meter radio wavelength?

The frequency of a 150 meter radio wavelength can be calculated using the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. For a 150 meter wavelength, the frequency would be approximately 2 MHz (megahertz).

What is the frequency of a wave with a wavelength of 25 meter and a speed of 37.5 meters per second?

Freq = Speed/Wavelength = 37.5/25 Hz = 1.5 Hz

How do you convert heartz to meter?

The frequency of a radio wave in Hertz (cycles per second) multiplied by the wavelength of the radio signal (in meters) is always equal to the speed of light, which is equal to The speed of light has the symbol "c". So Frequency/c = wavelength, and wavelength/c = frequency. == ==

What is the speed of a wave when the frequency of the wave is 80 hertz and 16 cm?

The speed of a wave can be calculated using the formula v = fλ, where v represents the speed of the wave, f is the frequency (80 Hz), and λ is the wavelength (16 cm). Simply multiply the frequency and the wavelength to find the speed of the wave.

The propeller from a boat spins in the water creating a surface wave with a frequency of 6 Hz and a wavelength of 0.3 cm What is the speed of the wave?

Speed = (wavelength) x (frequency) = (0.003 x 6) =0.018 meter per second =1.8 centimeter per second

Find the speed of a wave with a wavelength of a soundwave travling in water with a speed of 5 m and a frequency of 68 Hz?

340 meter per second

How do you calculate light wavelength to frequency?

You can calculate frequency from wavelength using the equation: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 3.00 x 10^8 meters per second. By dividing this speed by the wavelength of light in meters, you can determine the frequency in hertz.

What is the speed of a wave with a wavelength of MM and a frequency of Hz?

The speed of a wave is equal to the product of its wavelength and its frequency. (If you want to have the speed in meters/second, convert the wavelength to meters first.)

What would the wavelength be of a 65 Hz wave traveling at 1080 feet per second?

The speed of a wave can be calculated using the formula speed = frequency × wavelength. Given the frequency of 65 Hz and speed of 1080 feet per second, we can rearrange the formula to solve for wavelength: wavelength = speed / frequency. Plugging in the values gives a wavelength of about 16.62 feet.

What is the wavelength in feet of a 20 KHz sound wave traveling at 340 meters per second?

Wavelength = (speed) / (frequency) = (340) / (20,000) = 0.017 meter = 1.7 centimeter

What is the frequency of a 15 meter wave traveling at 250 meters per second?

The frequency of a wave is given by the formula: frequency = speed / wavelength. In this case, the wavelength is 15 meters and the speed is 250 meters per second. Therefore, the frequency of the 15 meter wave traveling at 250 meters per second would be 250 / 15 = 16.67 Hz.

How fast is a wave moving if its wave length is 10 meters and its frequency is 110 Hz?

The formula for a wave in this case is: speed = frequency x wavelength. Since Hz = 1/second, the answer will be in meter/second.