A coordinate plane is sometimes called Cartesian plane in honor of René Descartes. YOU ARE AN IDIOT
The coordinate plane is sometimes call the Cartesian plane because Rene Descartes is often credited with inventing the coordinate plane and so the coordinate plane is sometimes called the Cartesian plane,in his honor.
It is simply called a point in the coordinate or Cartesian plane.
The front of the plane is typically referred to as the cockpit or flight deck, where the pilots operate the aircraft.
The plane that divides the body into front and back halves is called the frontal or coronal plane. This plane runs vertically from side to side, creating a front section (anterior) and a back section (posterior).
Coronal plane other term of this plane is 1.) frontal plane 2.) anterior-posterior plance 3.) x-y plane
It is at the front of the plane.
Propeller or the prop. In a jet plane the it's called a turbine
That plane is called the Ecliptic.That plane is called the Ecliptic.That plane is called the Ecliptic.That plane is called the Ecliptic.
The movement of the trunk in the frontal plane is called lateral flexion. This involves bending the trunk sideways to the left or right at the waist. It occurs in the frontal plane, which divides the body into front and back halves.
The coronal plane is also known as the frontal plane, which divides the body into front and back sections. It is perpendicular to the sagittal plane and horizontal to the transverse plane.
One plane that divides into front and back is the sagittal plane, which runs from front to back and divides the body into left and right halves. Another plane is the frontal (coronal) plane, which divides the body into front and back portions.
The coronal plane shows brain structures as they would be seen from the front. This plane divides the brain into front and back portions.
frontal plane or coronal plane
Saggital plane