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If you are talking about a probiotic supplement the idea that ingesting them will create a balance within the GI system and the user will benefit greater overall health. No more bloatedness, chronic constipation, joint pain and joint inflammation among many other benefits. Good bacteria or probiotics will enter the users system and help balance out the ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria. They live in a symbiotic relationship so you don't want one to overpower the other. BioGIF is a probiotic that insures the balance is kept tight and also makes sure the bad bacteria doesn't colonize and take over the newly added probiotics

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When making your own probiotic yogurt at home you need to add an over the counter probiotic to the yogurt that you make in your yogurt maker.

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Streptobacillus is not a typically recognized probiotic organism. It is a genus of bacteria that includes species known to cause infections in animals and humans, rather than promote health benefits like probiotics. It is important to be cautious when attributing probiotic properties to any specific organism without scientific evidence.

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The Lactobacilli group of bacteria, some of which are found in yogurt, was the first identified probiotic.

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A couple of good probiotic supplements that work well for bodybuilders are NOW BerryDophilus, Natrol Probiotic Intestinal Maximum Care, and Twinlab Super Probiotic.

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There are no known probiotic fungi used in supplements like there are probiotic bacteria. Fungi are more commonly associated with fermentation processes and not typically used directly as probiotics for human consumption.

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When we have to take yakult?

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Does probiotic makes Diarhia?

I think si

Can probiotic curd be made at home?

Yes, probiotic curd can be made at home by fermenting milk with live active cultures like Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium. Simply heat the milk, cool it to a warm temperature, add a small amount of existing curd or a probiotic culture starter, and let it ferment for several hours until set.