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Q: What is the function of a root haircell?
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Whbat is the function of the root cap?

The function of the root cap is to protect and cover the growing tip of the root.

What is the root word of function?

Good that you thought of it... unfortunately there is no root word of function... because if you think of it for a long time... function is there's no word go with function, so, if you say functional, the root or base word is function. :):

How can a new function be created by composing two existing functions?

You use the output of the first function as the input of the second function. For example, if your functions are sin() (the sine function) and root() (the square root function), you can combine them as:sin(root(x)) or: root(sin(x))

What is the function of specialization?

it is the root

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What is the function of ginger?

it is the root

What is the inverse of a cubic function?

The inverse of the cubic function is the cube root function.

Is the inverse of a quadratic function is square root function?


What the function of the root?

Like all other plants' root the function of watermelon root is absorption and anchorage. Watermelon plants have week stem hence these are creepers on the ground.

What is the function of the cross section of a root and a stem?

cross-section of a root

What is the root of the function in the math problem f of x?

f(x) = ...f is the name of the function, and x is the variable. I guess you could say x is the root of the function, because it is what the function relies on.

What is the function of enlarged primary root?
