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Q: What is the function of incurrent and excurrent siphon?
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Name the clams Siphons?

the inhalent and the exhalent siphons

What are the two gasses exchanged by the gills in a clam?

oxygen is absorbed into the clam through the incurrent siphon, and carbon dioxide is exported out of the clam through the excurrent siphon

Where are the incurrent excurrent siphons located and what is their function?

They are located on the posterior side. The incurrent takes water in, the excurrent puts it out. do u know mrs sheetz??? this is an x-act question from her lab

Where is the incurrent and excurrent siphons located and what is their function?

They are located on the posterior side. The incurrent takes water in, the excurrent puts it out. do u know mrs sheetz??? this is an x-act question from her lab

What are the clam's siphons names?

The clam has two siphons. The excurrent siphon (which expels water and waste out of the clam) and the incurrent siphon (which brings oxygen and food and water into the clam).

In bivalves water is brought into the mantle cavity and to the gills through the water that has filtered through the gills and waste material excreted to the mantle cavity are then flushed out through?

The water comes through the incurrent siphon and gets flushed out the excurrent siphon

Where the incurrent and excurrent siphons located and what is their functions?

They are located on the posterior side. The incurrent takes water in, the excurrent puts it out. do u know mrs sheetz??? this is an x-act question from her lab

How many siphons do clams have?

The clam has two siphons excurrent and incurrent

What does a Siphon do for clams?

A siphon brings in water, and filters out the food for it.

Animals that has incurrent and excurrent pores for water to pass through?

Species in the phylum Poriferaie.SPONGES!!

What does the incurrent siphon and appear adapted to do in a clam?

The incurrent siphon of a clam is adapted to bring in water, along with food particles and oxygen, from the surrounding environment. This enables the clam to filter out and extract nutrients from the water using its gills for respiration and feeding.

Which of the apertures in a clam has an in current flow?

The Ventral aperture has an incurrent flow, the Dorsal aperture has an excurrent flow.